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After Birth Recovery

Welcome to The After Birth Club!

The After Birth Club started as a journal.


A journal that was written by a new Mum who documented all of the twists, turns, highs, lows, and all the sh*t people just don't tell you about when your new tiny human enters the world. 


The After Birth Club was formed after a realisation that these journals could help other new Mums. 



A note from the author:
I honestly never intended to become a blog writer. I also never understood the power that these words could have on other new Mums and how they can offer so much comfort in knowing you are not alone in the struggles and phases that come with being a Mummy. 

I shared my journal with one of my friends after she had given birth, who then shared it with her friend who was preparing for a new baby and so it continued and the positive feedback flew in. 

There is so much power in telling the truth and supporting one another, providing tips, products, and first-hand reviews on your actual experiences. It is also a huge help to know that no matter how you are feeling and what you are doing, you are doing a great job and your little human loves you. 

Today, I ask for your story, so I can use my journalism skills to share your story, so you can help other parents out there and be a part of something magical. 

Lots of love, B x















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